

Media Fusion

"The Internet and multimedia protean universes constitute a technical/Managerial challenge and a highly evolving issue for the I.T. sector, always more intense and greedy itself, of various resources. "

The design of a human-computer interface (HCI) therefore obviously presupposes a cautious and realistic approach regarding the submited projects.

The very definition of multimedia has lost much of its meaning in recent years.

Our job consists above all in rationalizing customers expectations within reasonable deadlines and with the right costs.

"Keeping it simple is a professional matter."

Art and Earth TM
Networks and Technology

Diego Piccini (da Todi)
Full Stack Programmer/Developer

(back end/Front end, Web/Object) 
Lead Developer - Lead Designer - Content Manager

Registered Company in France and Canada

SIREN : 411 389 216 - SIRET : 411 329 216 00028 (France)
Inc. : 661515-5 (Canada, Qc.)


⇒ Email

By appointment only (possibly in)...

Nice, France - Europe
Paris, France - Europe
Monaco - Europe
Firenze, Italia - Europe
London, UK - Europe
Montréal, Qc - Canada
NYC, New York - USA